Rodney and Charlene Boom are the owners of CR Quarter Horses. Our daughters are Crystal and Renee, so back in 1976 when we purchased our first stallion to stand at stud, we decided to name our business CR Quarter Horses after the first letters of our name. We could then invite customers to come and ?€?see our?€ CR horses. We have used these initial in the naming of all foals and Dalmatian puppies that we have raised. (
Prairie Du Chien
United States
13256 Hwy 18-35, Prairie du Chien, WI, United States, 53821
The strengths of our business comes from our core values - providing our customers with a quality shopping experience, outstanding customer care and selling only quality products at excellent value. We're proudly 97% powered by renewable energy. We use a combination of wind and solar energy to power our operations.