16 stalls, miles of riding trails, and a hotel on 100 meters. We are the "Haras du Berry", a place of primarily Friesan mare insemination, reproduction and breeding, but other breeds of horses are welcome, as well.(16 stands, des kilom?tres de sentiers d’?quitation et un h?tel ? 100 m?tres. Nous sommes le « Haras du Berry », un lieu d’ins?mination, de reproduction et d’?levage de juments frisonnes, mais d’autres races de chevaux sont ?galement les bienvenues.)
We are located in the Berry, in the Indre, in La Motte Feuilly, in a calm and quiet place, favorable to the well-being of your horse(s).(Nous sommes situ?s dans le Berry, dans l’Indre, ? La Motte Feui
Equine Herbalist & Equine Myofunctional Therapy with Mickie Magan
Equine herbal medicine is plant based medicine for horses. In the wild, horses and other animals self-medicate when they are feeling unwell or off colour. Horses travel many kilometers during the day and eat a multitude of plants, leaves, roots, bark and other vegetation. Many of these plants have medicinal and therapeutic benefits as well as vitamin, mineral and nutrient contents. The domesticati