Hand-Drawn Pet Portraits & horse portraits,. From pooch to puss and all creatures in between, artist and avid animal-lover, Craig Maher, creates beautiful, memorable portraits that capture your pet?€™s personality in pencil and charcoal.
Equine Herbalist & Equine Myofunctional Therapy with Mickie Magan
Equine herbal medicine is plant based medicine for horses. In the wild, horses and other animals self-medicate when they are feeling unwell or off colour. Horses travel many kilometers during the day and eat a multitude of plants, leaves, roots, bark and other vegetation. Many of these plants have medicinal and therapeutic benefits as well as vitamin, mineral and nutrient contents. The domesticati
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Equine Communications
Juliette Wragge Art
Equine Communications
Juliette Wragge Art
Half Steps Photography
At The Yard
Animal Art House - fine art portraits
Pivo - Auto Tracking - Horse Tracking - Smart Interactive Pod