Nikki Kagan is Israel's ONLY certified practitioner for Masterson Method, a powerful approach to equine performance by asking for motion in a relaxed state.
No matter what's going on in the world, our horses still deserve our efforts to help them feel good. That's why I have scheduled another 2-day seminar here in Israel this February. WHy should you sign up? 1. Your #horse will thank you by moving more freely and comfortably. 2. Your connection with your horse will be even stronger. 3. You won't need to pay others for #equine bodywork! 4. Class size is small to ensure each student gets plenty of guidance. 5. You will become part of a growing group of people with whom to share/ask questions about the horses we love 6. It's the first step in becoming a certified practitioner in #mastersonmethod! #equinebodywork #equinebodyworker #happyhorses #equinemassage #horsemassagetherapy #horsebodywork #horsehealth #horsewellness #equinewellness PM me with questions!
Is your horse stiff or sore? The vet finds nothing to treat? Join me to learn how you can not only help your horse but save time and money by treating him/her yourself! Join Nikki Kagan, Israel's only certified instructor for the Masterson Method at Jury's Ranch, hosted by Sharon Shuster and Tomer! For detail please call 0523-209-390!
Equine Herbalist & Equine Myofunctional Therapy with Mickie Magan
Equine herbal medicine is plant based medicine for horses. In the wild, horses and other animals self-medicate when they are feeling unwell or off colour. Horses travel many kilometers during the day and eat a multitude of plants, leaves, roots, bark and other vegetation. Many of these plants have medicinal and therapeutic benefits as well as vitamin, mineral and nutrient contents. The domesticati
More of The Masterson Method
Becker Equine Bodyworks LLC
Certified Masterson Method Practitioner Iowa HUB Instructor and Coach